Sunday, May 15, 2022


miyeok-guksu done up as bibim-naengmyeon, sort of

I need to buy one of those pro-level mandolins that allow you to slice and julienne things very thinly. My own knife skills aren't particularly adept. I took a few liberties in making this dish. I didn't need a ton of beef or eggs, so I bought two of those small jang-jorim packets—one with beef in it, the other with quail eggs (pic). I bought and cut up a Korean pear and a cucumber, coming nowhere near the thin matchsticks that you see in regular bibim-naengmyeon. You're also supposed to toast the sesame seeds and crush some of them, but I didn't bother. Anyway, the result is the above, made with my miyeok-guksu and the accompanying bibim-sauce packets. Not bad, overall, but more a parody of Korean food than the real thing.

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