Monday, May 30, 2022

the exercise plan this week

So, I've decided: I'm going to stick to the program—for now, anyway—and do my new regime every day, except, obviously, for tomorrow and Wednesday's cardio because I'll be re-attempting the walk to Yangpyeong, starting Tuesday evening and going on until Wednesday 11 o'clock or so. (I mean to finish this time.) Wednesday afternoon or evening, I'll do the weights and calisthenics portion of my regime, and I'll resume the whole package (weights, calisthenics, cardio) on Thursday. Friday will finish off the week, and on Saturday, I'll just do a modest 18K walk down to Bundang so as not to strain myself. I think this plan is doable. As for eating: yes, I'll be eating something tomorrow and probably snacking along the route.

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