Thursday, July 14, 2022

some images

Hey, AOC:

But people never seem to learn this lesson:

I can identify four of the five guys. Who's the dude who's second from the left?

All because Djokovic refuses to get jabbed:

Look away, children!

I've already tried to articulate my stance on abortion, but I thought the following logical inconsistency was funny:

We've been over this:

I might wear this:

The following two memes touch on something I've thought for years: English majors and English teachers fancy themselves amateur psychologists just because they can parse character motivations in a story. The problem is that stories aren't real life, so the ability to parse character motivations is fairly useless in the real world. Further, reading symbols into everything is just a way of making life more complicated than it needs to be. Granted, some writers do deliberately add layers of symbolism to their work, but my point is that, sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. Unless you're Bill Clinton, of course:

Watch out, Mary!

1 comment:

John Mac said...

I always enjoy these; thanks for sharing!