Thursday, September 28, 2023

Day 1 of the Chuseok walk

Rise and shine! In theory, I got up at 5:00 this morning and was on the road by 5:30, give or take 15 minutes. Today's walk starts from my motel; it's about 3 km to the official Four Rivers trail starting point, 28 km from the start to Gayang Station, then another kilometer or two to my motel in western Seoul—about 32K in all.* If I remember to, I'll post information from my pedometer and from MapMywalk (an app that I've barely used since that first time).

There'll be a fuller blog post this evening.


*But as this entry points out, I actually have to wake up earlier and take the subway to a point that's close to the starting point. Add another 3K to walk from my motel to the subway station, so it's really going to be a 35K walk to start this whole thing off.

I'd forgotten about that. It's been a few years.

UPDATE: I was up at 4:15 a.m. and out the door by 4:45. When I got to Geomam Station, the train didn't arrive until 5:55.

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