Monday, September 18, 2023

Russell Brand stands accused

Innocent until proven guilty, of course, but the accusations are that, years ago, a much more libertine Russell Brand groomed young people and committed sexual assault, including rape. Russell Brand was a wild child himself during his younger days, and I didn't like him very much. He's still got at least one foot in the postmodernist camp, prompting him to quote PoMo "philosophers" like Baudrillard. So even now, with his seeming metanoia, I've never been quite on board with him. But as Ryan points out in the video below, the timing of these new accusations is rather suspicious. One gets the impression that someone wants to piggyback on Brand's fame, to attempt an Amber Heard, so to speak. I don't think this is going to end well for the accuser, whom Brand could possibly sue assuming he's proven innocent. So far, these are only accusations: Brand hasn't been formally charged with anything.


John Mac said...

As soon as I saw this news yesterday, my thought was, "he's being Kavanaughed." Strange how dicey shit he may have been doing 15 years ago is just making the news now. What changed? Oh, he left the woke plantation and started thinking for himself. Worse yet, he shared those views on a platform gaining viewers. That kind of apostasy cannot be allowed to go unchallenged! Counter arguments to what Brand is saying: no, let's just find a way to cancel him. It's a sad world we are living in...

John from Daejeon said...

The injection of improprieties into his millions of followers who are skeptical of a quickly shrinking mainstream media right before major election is just what the Biden puppeteers, and said media, have ordered.

John from Daejeon said...

Has YouTube banned Styx as well?

Kevin Kim said...

John from Daejeon,

Yeah, I haven't seen Styx in a couple days. I wonder what's up.

John Mac said...

I just read that YouTube has defunded Brand based on these allegations from 15 years ago. Seems that they don't want folks to hear his political views, and any excuse to shut him up will do.

John from Daejeon said...

Styx is still alive and well on Rumble.