Wednesday, November 22, 2023

the secret to getting a stronger heart (I'm listening)

When I had my stroke in 2021, one of the scans I had was a thoracic ultrasound, and the docs came back with the bad news: I have a weak heart. Intuitively, I knew this meant I'd need to start doing way more cardio (the modern term for what people in the 70s and 80s called "aerobics"*). But I was fuzzy on the specifics. The following video clears some things up.


*The terms cardio and aerobics are often used interchangeably, but some websites that I checked suggest that the terms emphasize or prioritize slightly different-yet-interconnected things: cardio emphasizes the heart while aerobics emphasizes the lungs (which should be obvious from the terms' etymologies). Obviously, these organs work in concert to distribute oxygen throughout the body, which is why the terms are viewed by many as synonymous.

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