Tuesday, November 21, 2023

the rot in higher education

Yet another reason to avoid academe, at least in the US: it's all woke-ideology factories now. From the video comes this poignant quote:

"Look, look, look: imagine—just imagine what we were doing to students. We were telling them they were getting an education; we were doing them a disservice. They weren't getting an education; they thought they were being 'educated'—you know, educare, to lead out of—they weren't getting that, and anyone who stayed in that system basically perpetuated an injustice. And almost—it was almost criminal what we were doing to those kids."

—ex-professor Peter Boghossian

In the video below, Dave Rubin interviews Peter Boghossian about how academe has deteriorated, and how many of the bad ideas permeating society today basically had their origin in and radiated out from academe. It's really sad to see.

I did my part to try to explain the problem as I see it. Look here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here in particular.

1 comment:

Kevin Kim said...

A comment got left at an older post of mine. I'm linking to that post here because I'm pretty sure that the commenter reached that older post through this more recent post. Without this link, no one will ever think to look back at that older post.