Tuesday, September 15, 2020

sad news from the States

My brother Sean just wrote to say that he and Jeff will be putting Sean's chihuahua Maqz down via in-home euthanasia around 6 p.m. on the 15th, Chicago time. Maqz was, as I wrote in my reply to Sean, a naughty little booger when I met him, but he grew on me. It's hard to believe we'll shortly be living in a world without that stout-hearted little dog, but time and life are always grinding mercilessly forward. It's a bit premature to be offering condolences since the euthanasia hasn't happened yet, but I do offer my sympathies. This can't be easy, not after all those years of faithful companionship.


  1. That's part of the bargain I suppose. Pure love and then heartbreak. Perhaps my dogs will outlive me this time around.

  2. That is sad news, indeed. I've only ever seen Maqz through photos here, but he looks like quite a character.



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