Saturday, September 19, 2020


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a feminist and cultural icon, passed away on September 18 from complications related to pancreatic cancer.  She was 87, having joined the Supreme Court in 1993 at age 60.  Over the past year or so, those around her had tried to keep her health status as vague as possible, and her death is cause for liberal anxiety:  another seat is now available on the Supreme Court, and Donald Trump—assuming he wins the upcoming election—will doubtless nominate someone whose very existence will raise the hackles of the left.  One of Ginsburg's final "fervent" wishes was for Donald Trump to leave office after his current term.  I don't think that that wish will be fulfilled.  I hope Ginsburg didn't leave this plane of existence filled with the same small-minded, Trump-deranged bitterness that motivated John McCain to be such a stick in the mud before his own demise.  Let Justice Ginsburg be remembered for her accomplishments on behalf of women's rights.  RIP.

Styx on RBG:



  1. Trump is President now, he doesn't have to wait to fill the seat until after the election. Good precedent from Obama who also nominated a replacement during an election year.

  2. I think a nomination is about to happen. Having no understanding of cause and effect, leftists will riot even harder, pushing even more voters into Trump's arms.



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