Friday, November 27, 2020

seen on Instapundit

I saw two images on Instapundit and stitched them together:

Grumpy lefties will counter that the above image really ought to be reversed to reflect the actual situation.  I don't know... it's not as though Biden is going to have an easy time of it.  The presidency ages you.  Look what happened to both Dubya and Obama after eight harrowing years in the White House.  And Biden is going to survive that?

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, under Biden, we all get fucked. I guess the silver lining I'm hoping for would be holding the Senate and a House majority in 2022. I expect the Democrats are going to self-destruct as the socialists and so-called moderates go to war. I just don't like being part of the inevitable collateral damage.



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