Sunday, November 29, 2020

your dose of badassery for the day

A Marine Corps obstacle course and Shaolin training!

Watch a former gymnast take on a Marine Corps obstacle course:

Okay, fine:  the ex-gymnast proves not to be much of a badass, but she has grit, and when she needs help with a given obstacle, it's because she's just too short.  I suspect that, given time and practice, she'd be able to master the entire course with no help from a Marine.

And now, watch a video about the rigors of Shaolin kung fu training:

The thumbnail for the Shaolin video, featuring a bikini-clad kickboxer, is obviously clickbait:  while some lovely ladies do appear in the video, it's only for a moment.  The ladies are apparently lifeguards being trained in Shaolin techniques.

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