Monday, November 09, 2020


This morning, I tried to visit a place called Nosong Gift (노송 기프트), which purports to sell glass plaques, trophies, and the like.  Naver Map ended up leading me into a residential neighborhood, though, and I couldn't find the shop in question.  Maybe it no longer exists, or maybe Naver had a brain fart and led me down the wrong path.  Either way, I couldn't find the place, and I'm not going to scour the entire damn neighborhood to look for it.  Instead, I'll be visiting Royal Plaques (로얄 상패), up the street from where I work.  Wish me luck.

UPDATE:  I got there at 7:13 p.m., and the goddamn place was already closed.  I guess these places, with their anticapitalistic sense of work hours, don't want my business.  They really ought to stay open longer; most normal folks work 9-to-6 jobs, so they can't be expected to visit a plaque store when they're supposed to be working (banks really ought to have figured out the same thing by now, but even in the States, banks have inconvenient hours).  Whatever.  I'll try again tomorrow.

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