Sunday, January 30, 2022

it is accomplished

I won't be leaving for my big walk until 8 p.m. tonight, and since I finished writing my ms last night (in the writing biz, ms is "manuscript" and mss is "manuscripts"), I'm going to spend today reading through my book and making any final tweaks. I'll do the conversion to .epub format when I'm back from the walk Monday afternoon, assuming I have the energy. Otherwise, I'll sleep until New Year’s, enjoy lunch and a cheat day on Tuesday, and try to have the whole shebang finished, cover design and all, by the end of Wednesday. 

Then, its just a matter of marketing the e-book and creating the dead-tree version. If the book makes any money (which I seriously doubt, but I'm hopeful), I'll see about getting it translated into Korean and selling it in the Korean market, where you don't really hear about homeschooling being a thing, but you do have millions of Koreans who, on some level, realize Korean education has its own way of sucking. A lot of what I note in the book as good teaching is simply foreign to Koreans who have grown up practicing rote memorization, being conformist drones, having no culture of discussion, doing nothing to engage higher-cognitive thinking, and taking nothing but multiple-choice tests. 


John Mac said...

Congrats. There is definitely a market for this book in the USA where more and more parents are resisting the indoctrination of their kids in public schools. Promoting it as a supplement to the curriculum at school might also be a good selling point.

Good luck!

Daniel said...

Can't imagine the dedication required to finish something as long as an entire book! Congrats and let us know when it's on Amazon. Although my first two kids are currently in school, homeschooling does sound somewhat appealing.

Kevin Kim said...


Good suggestion. Thanks.


The book is so short that it's more of a pamphlet, really. It weighs in at under 30 single-spaced A4 pages, or about the size of a 60-page research paper. Add a few pages for the glossary, and that's about it. So once it's in e-book form, I won't be charging more than $1.99 for it. Keep that price point low!

Daniel said...

Definitely worth purchasing at that price!