Wednesday, August 31, 2022

birfday lunch

A chili-dawg saga, beginning with ground skirt steak, which I'm increasingly convinced is a gorgeous, all-purpose cut of beef:

The new Kenwood grinder works beautifully—for now, at least. The only problem is that it's hellaciously loud, and I worry about bothering my neighbors. Or summoning the dead.

Below—some hot-dog chili, which was quick and easy to make:

mimicking hot-dog-stand chili, it's supposed to be a bit watery

I'm not sure kielbasa is really the right sausage for chili dogs, but this seemed to work out all right. At least, no one complained:

The cheese is mostly under the chili. And I know the relish isn't traditional.

The boss came in despite normally having Wednesday off, and he brought a delicious cake with him—very light and fluffy in texture without being overly dry. Korean cakes often lack enough butter, sugar, and eggs, but this cake was quite good.

from a bakery called Paris Croissant (not bad!)

I'm not sure what I'll do with myself this evening. Something that will ruin my blood sugar, I'm sure. Or maybe I'll go for a long walk. We'll see. I have the whole rest of my life, after all.


  1. It all looks great. Skirt steak is a great all-purpose cut. Did you put cinnamon and cocoa in that chili? People in Ohio want to know.

    Happy birfday. Many many happy more.

  2. Alas, this is just a very conventional hot-dog chili, not like a Cincinnati chili, and it's made to my idiosyncratic tastes: I used onion flakes because you know how I am about chunks of real onion in my Western food.

  3. Happy birthday! Forgive the long absence. Good to be back!



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