Monday, August 15, 2022

why I can't label myself "green"

I've said it many times before: if "green" means "wanting to live somewhere clean versus somewhere dirty," then I'm totally on board. Let's stop clogging our rivers with plastic bottles; let's stop belching nasty pollutants into the sky. The problem, though, is the insanity of the green movement, which sows fear by making wild-eyed predictions about the destruction of the earth—predictions that sound an awful lot like the apocalyptic nonsense uttered by whacko Christian fundamentalists like Harold Camping. I mean, these crazies get points for their specificity, but whenever the appointed year rolls around, and nothing happens, they simply make another apocalyptic prediction, and stupid people eat it up.

One prediction* that Al Gore made, years ago, was that there'd be no more ice at the north pole. We've long known that the Antarctic ice cap has occasionally grown since those predictions, but today, I saw an article about the Arctic ice cap that says that it, too, has grown. But we can't let facts get in the way of The Agenda!


*So-called "fact-checkers" think the term prediction is debatable. Here's a link to a Reuters fact check that concludes, in weaselly fashion, that Al Gore did not himself predict the disappearance of the north-pole ice cap, but he did misrepresent the findings of certain scientists. I don't know: if an expert makes a prediction, and I hear that prediction and pass it along to others in all seriousness, then in some sense, that prediction becomes mine as much as the expert's because I subscribe to it. There's no room for Gore to shirk responsibility for yelling "Fire!" when there is no fire.

1 comment:

  1. C'mon, Kevin! What next? Are you going to say this COVID pandemic was a farce too?

    Yeah, the global elite has a plan to put us serfs in our place. They just need the right excuse to require us to relinquish our freedom and rights willingly. Global warming, er, I mean climate change, fear-mongering is one method of achieving that goal.



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