Friday, August 26, 2022

Hillary Clinton loses legal-knowledge quiz to... Kim Kardashian

Why am I not surprised? Kim Kardashian is studying to be a lawyer. Hillary Clinton is a former lawyer and former (future?) presidential hopeful. The two appeared on a show with "quizmaster" Chelsea Clinton managing the competition. Hillary lost to Kim 11-4.

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suffered a 'heartbreaking' defeat in a head-to-head legal knowledge quiz... to Kim Kardashian.

The reality TV megastar bested former lawyer Clinton 11-4 in the quiz during an episode of the former first lady's upcoming Gutsy documentary, which she co-hosts with her daughter Chelsea.

Lost again, Hillary. Just give it up.


  1. I'm not a fan of Hillary by any means, but reaction time is probably just as important if not more than important than knowledge in a quiz show like that. You can know all the answers in the world, but if you can't hit the buzzer in time, all that knowledge means nothing.

    It's honestly more impressive that Kim Kardashian has that knowledge. But if she's studying to be a lawyer, one would expect her to.

  2. Yeah, in the article, Chelsea mentions reaction time. That said, you'd think someone with a Juris Doctor would have done better.

  3. I skimmed the article quickly, and it didn't seem to mention how many questions Hillary got right out of how many she answered (unless I missed that). If she only managed to buzz in on four but got all four right, she's just slow and/or uncoordinated. If she buzzed in on eight and got four wrong, well, that would raise some eyebrows.

    Maybe the real lesson here is that I've been underestimating Kim Kardashian this whole time.



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