Saturday, November 26, 2022

Apple TV update

So, praise Allah, I was able to get my Apple TV service working again. The problem seems to have been a combination of authorization and VPN issues. I re-authorized my Apple TV app (do I have to do this every time I change my OS?), then I looked on YouTube for further insights into my problem, and one video mentioned that one's VPN (I use Surfshark) can get in the way of performance. Sure enough, when I turned off my VPN, Apple TV started working again, and I could finally watch "Rick and Morty" and "Black Adam." So those issues have been resolved, although it's interesting to note that, while I was still using Mac OS Monterey (OS 12), I was able to watch Apple TV content without having to turn off my VPN. I use my VPN pretty much all the time now, so turning it off for two hours just to watch an Apple TV movie makes me a little nervous. One solution would be to download my full movie and TV-series library, but I have so many movies now that such a move would leave me with almost no storage space on my own hard drives. As things are, I never download anything from Apple TV: I store it all on the Cloud and watch it from there. This isn't much different from "owning" movies on Amazon Prime, a topic I discussed years ago.

PS: that "Rick and Morty" episode has to be one of the best ones this season. It's utterly meta, and it satirizes the internal process of writers, especially the creatively bankrupt ones.

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