Friday, June 16, 2023

figure it out

This turns out to be very easy:

My answer will be in the comments section.

1 comment:

Kevin Kim said...

So the problem is:

2023! / (2022! + 2021!)

If you remember your factorials, then you know you can rewrite the numerator as


In the denominator, you can rewrite 2022! as


So now, you have a fraction that looks like this:

(2023•2022•2021!) / [(2022•2021!) + 2021!]

In the denominator, you can factor out the 2021!, so now your fraction looks like this:

(2023•2022•2021!) / 2021!(2022 + 1)

The (2022 + 1) obviously becomes 2023, so you now have this fraction:

(2023•2022•2021!) / 2021!(2023)

As you can see, the 2023s and 2021!s cancel each other out, so all you have left is
