Thursday, June 29, 2023


Remember the post I put up yesterday about the YouTube Short teaser video for 9-mm rounds versus chipmunk skulls? Well, the full video dropped yesterday. Given the graphic nature of the video, I'll do what I've done before and merely link to it below. I realize that doesn't make much difference: if I were to embed the video here, it'd still be up to you to click "play." But linking somehow feels more distant or abstract, so here we are.

Is 9 mm Too Much for Chipmunks?

The presenter asks the above question and concludes, after many skull explosions and eviscerations, that the answer is No. Why? Because from his point of view, such obliteration, being as catastrophic and instantaneous as a submersible's implosion (too soon?), is in fact humane. I can kind of see his point. The chipmunk literally doesn't know what's hit it, and since these are all head shots, the time it would take for the creature to realize it's been shot is greater than the time it takes for the 9-mm round to do its destructive work. It is literally lights-out for the chipmunk.

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