Saturday, October 26, 2024

Hillary Clinton, deporter wannabe

Oh, myyyy, as a certain woke Takei might say.

Oh, stop. She's not screaming.

I keep saying that Trump is basically a 90s Democrat. The neocon Never Trump crowd saw this and feared how he would realign conservatives, but those righties who remain Republican are probably glad to be thought of as MAGA Republicans... who are also basically 90s Democrats—anti-war, pro-labor, America First. Look back at the Democrat stance on issues like gay marriage. Remember the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996? The year DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton, Congress had Republican majorities in both houses. What an interesting showing of bipartisan support. It then took the wokies around 26 years (2022) to get the law repealed. Personally, I'm glad that particular law was repealed.

Sure, there are ways in which righties remain righties, and lefties remain lefties. But Hillary Clinton, and her hubby Bill in 1995, show that people and parties do change over time, often trading places on many matters.

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