Monday, January 04, 2021

seen in an Instapundit comments section


  1. I gotta say, sure looks like Republicans are bad right now. And have been for the past four years at least. And this was clear on Jan 4 as well.

    I can accept traditional conservatives wanting smaller government but the current 'leaders' are monsters and, well, are bad.

  2. Brian,

    I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree that the Republicans have been, and still are, bad. There's a lot of fury being directed at the old-guard GOP right now; they're seen as having let Trump down in a bid to steer things back to the Bush/neocon era. As for the rioting and the storming of the Capitol, well, that's an egregious mistake and should be condemned, just as all the leftist riots ought to be condemned. The country seems to be edging closer to a hot civil war.



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