Friday, August 12, 2022

long weekend

I'd completely forgotten that this coming Monday, August 15, is Gwangbokjeol, often called Liberation Day in English. It celebrates Korea's liberation from Japanese occupation. Grand speeches are given in which no one thanks Korea's liberators, probably because it'd be a blow to Koreans' fragile sense of national pride to acknowledge that Korea didn't liberate itself. 

Anyway, for me, this means I have a long weekend. What to do, what to do... I was thinking of doing a 25K walk out to Hanam City tonight, but I don't know how walkable the Four Rivers path is along the Han. I saw a picture of the river coming right up to the edge of the Olympic Expressway (which was obviously blocked off, forcing everyone to use streets and roads farther inland), so I'm not sure a walk to Hanam City is possible. Maybe next week, and it'll have to be a nighttime walk given the relentless summer heat.

Or: I could do the Hanam walk tonight, anyway, following inland paths. The problem with that, though, is that I'd spend a lot more of my time in traffic. Is it worth it?

Actually, I think the path to Bundang may be walkable if last night's walk was any indication. So maybe I'll just walk to Bundang Saturday evening. Tonight, I'll walk the route I walked last night. That proved to be pleasant enough.

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