Tuesday, August 09, 2022

"under siege"

Trump's compound in Mar-a-Lago has been raided by the FBI, who came away with "papers." Trump announced that his property was "under siege." Trump also said the raid was "not necessary and inappropriate."

Trump called the raid “prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want [him] to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls,” adding that Democrats “will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

I suspect the FBI is going to come away with nothing of substance. As much as I may dislike Trump personally, the history of all these raids and investigations makes one thing clear: however dirty a businessman Trump might have been, he's got to be the cleanest president in modern American history. During his four years in the Oval Office, Trump was investigated at least three times, and each time, the head of the investigation was a Democrat, i.e., someone motivated to find dirt on Trump. Each time, not a single significant thing was found: no scandalous picture of Trump in flagrante, no evidence of back-room deals with foreign governments—nothing. Compare that to the blasé way in which Hillary's 30,000 emails were treated, or Hunter Biden's laptop, which is chock-full of incriminating evidence against the Biden family if leaked audio and video and emails are to be trusted.

Obviously, we can place no trust in institutions like the FBI, which is now simply an arm of the Democrats. Much must be disbanded or outright burned to the ground. I'd help with that if I were in the States. As things stand, we're moving closer and closer to the outright arrest of Donald Trump on no legitimate grounds whatsoever. It really is just the fear that Trump will run in 2024 that is motivating the current abuse of authority. I do wonder, though, when the people will finally get sick of all this nonsense. As I just wrote over at Instapundit:

So when do the people finally rise up? When Trump is being carted off to jail? We've had years to organize a resistance that goes deep—maybe not Deep State deep, but deep enough to do things like shadow the FBI, undermine its movements, and eventually burn it out root and branch. Plenty of ex-military out there who could form and coordinate a nation-spanning network.

Another Instapundit commenter argues that jailing Trump will be the new "Sumter." I kind of hope that's true because it's finally time for people of conscience to get off their lazy, fearful, conflict-averse asses and respond in kind to all of this leftist tyranny. If that means a messy civil war and the loss of many lives to clean up the country, well, so be it.

Here's Styx on the Mar-a-Lago raid:

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