Thursday, September 22, 2022

derp is fair game

It used to be that, if you were old and stumbling, you wouldn't be mocked because that would be cruel. To mock is to subject oneself to accusations of ageism. Not anymore.

Thanks to Biden, if you're old, you're fair game. Did I just shit my pants?

Think being a stroke victim means you're safe? Ask John Fetterman, the Dem candidate in Pennsylvania who's running against Dr. Oz, the faux-Publican. Fetterman—who is also PA's current lieutenant governor—suffered a stroke and now has problems speaking, yet he's still out there, pluggin' away to small audiences, dressing like a raggedy bouncer, and generally making himself look like an incompetent ass (which, at this point, he is... and let's not talk about the weird, mysterious lump on the back of his neck). Part of me—as a fellow stroke victim—wants to sympathize with Fetterman's plight, but like Joe Biden, the dude has chosen to run for office when he really should have left well enough alone, and he's paying the price. 

To wit:


Maybe this all dates back to when Donald Trump supposedly cruelly mocked a disabled reporter (the actual story shows this was a nothingburger, though).

Or maybe we should all just go with the flow and let our moron-flag fly:

Life comes with no guarantees, and victim status won't protect you.

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