Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Styx on DeSantis Derangement Syndrome

DeSantis's detractors are trying to paint the conveyance of illegals to Martha's Vineyard as some sort of human trafficking. As DeSantis himself has said, where was the outrage when Joe Biden was secretly flying illegals to sanctuary areas by night? And how does flying people to self-proclaimed sanctuary areas count as human trafficking, anyway? If you call yourself a sanctuary area, then you'd damn well better be ready to absorb immigrants. At Martha's Vineyard—as all of America now sees—no one was really ready. There were some token gestures of compassion, I saw, mostly in the form of food and hugs. But the fifty illegals who got shipped to Martha's Vineyard were then transported to a nearby military base so they could be somebody else's problem. So much for fucking sanctuary.

This speaks to a larger problem that the right has been hammering on since forever: the left talks the talk when it comes to compassionate gestures, but it never walks the walk. And all of Martha's Vineyard's avowals about standing with immigrants are now seen to be what they really are: hollow acts of virtue-signaling meant to make lefties feel good about themselves without their having to do anything. That's why, when fifty illegal immigrants suddenly appeared at these rich fuckers' doorstep, they weren't able to do much more than squawk stupidly and have the riffraff sent somewhere else—anywhere else.

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