Monday, September 19, 2022

Jeju Olle lodging issues all settled now

I've finally settled all the lodging issues for my upcoming Jeju Olle-gil hike. There was one lingering pension that I'd needed to call, but when I visited that pension's website and saw that the date I'd wanted was already fully booked, I expanded my search for lodging and found a nearby expensive hotel. That hotel represents my one real indulgence on this trip, but it's not going to be too expensive: a "standard" suite at the place costs only W130,000 which, at today's exchange rate, comes out to about $100 US, which is roughly what you'd pay in the States for a run-of-the-mill Holiday Inn or Doubletree. So: a single night of relative luxury.

With my route now completely settled (although I anticipate there will be hitches once I'm on site), it's just a matter of prepping my pack, flying down to Jeju, and hiking the path.

There is the side matter of JW arranging his own travel dates and lodging. I'm expecting difficulties, especially since persuading JW to wake up at 5 a.m. every day is going to be difficult. And I know JW's going to want to make diversions to this or that must-see site because, for him, it's more about having a post-card experience than about really enjoying the place. All in all, I'm looking forward more to the Andong Dam hike than to the Jeju hike, which I suspect is going to be crowded and touristy. Ah, well.

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