Sunday, September 25, 2022

Joe Biden's supposedly "creepy" gaffe

By now, everyone's heard that Joe Biden said the line, "She was 12; I was 30" during a speech to a group of teachers at a National Education Association meeting in DC. More Creepy Joe, right? Well, it would certainly fit a pattern of creepiness, but as we look more deeply into the context of that moment (in which Biden was calling on someone he saw), I think the more solid interpretation is that Joe doesn't really know how to tell a joke. He's made plenty of out-of-touch, off-color remarks before throughout his long and illustrious career as a do-fuck-all politician, and I don't think that this latest verbal gaffe is quite as creepy as Joe's opponents think it is. There are plenty of reasons to criticize Biden, who is by no means a competent—or even a legitimate—president, but this incident is, in my opinion, not one of those reasons. 

I mean, come on, man!

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