Thursday, February 16, 2023

could Trudeau resign?

I wouldn't put too much stock in a single data point, but Paul Joseph Watson went ahead and made a video suggesting Justin Trudeau might be the next head of state to resign after New Zealand's death's-head Jacinda Ardern and Scotland's feckless Nicola Sturgeon. PJW bases this idea on the writings of one man, Patrick O'Flynn, who correctly predicted the resignations of both Ardern and Sturgeon. Is O'Flynn's prognostication enough to go on? I have my doubts. Trudeau definitely falls under the Sith maxim that all who gain power fear to lose it (which also means, by the way, that both Ardern and Sturgeon aren't done being in the limelight quite yet—expect paid lectures and tell-all memoirs). So I personally don't see Trudeau leaving anytime soon, but judge for yourself:

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