Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Doug on DeSantis

I've been watching a lot of Doug in Exile lately, but I haven't subscribed to him. He's got a pleasant enough demeanor, but he's also said some overtly religious things that, to put it politely, are off-putting (he's very anti-gay marriage, for instance). Sure, he has the right to say whatever he wants, but I also have the right to react however I want, and when Doug starts talking religiously, I get a real pod-people vibe from him. Overall, I appreciate his commentary except when he goes off the rails religiously. That said, Doug is a Trump fan, which means he obviously doesn't favor DeSantis as the GOP nominee. At the same time, he's been at pains to say he likes DeSantis and dislikes the internecine conflict within the ranks of the right. I think he's said he'd be fine with DeSantis's being nominated, if it came to that, but he also has some gentle reservations about the man. The 4-minute video below explains more:

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