Friday, October 13, 2023

full-time blogging at Kevin's Walk 7 starts tomorrow

So, here we are. The walk is finally upon me.

I didn't get out of work as early as I would've liked, but I got out about an hour early so as to be able to do a bit of prep (small backpack for now: I'll pick up the big backpack on Day 2 since my own apartment is the stopping point for that day). I'll be leaving my apartment around 8 p.m. and arriving at Geomam Station, Incheon, around 10 p.m. The big walk starts tomorrow morning and goes to November 11. Incheon to Busan, along the Four Rivers trail, about 633 km (officially). Two camping days; the rest are cheap(-ish) motels or occasional pensions. I'm expecting a lot of foot pain, so I've got my old friend Sir Ibu of the Profen with me to dull the aches and irritations. Not-so-AccuWeather predicts sporadic rain along my route to baptize Day One of my walk. So that's going to suck: I hate cold rain. At least, I'll have my rain gear and ridiculous hat at the ready, for what that's worth.*

I'd like to say I'll be away from news and such, but I know me, and I'll be using motel Wi-Fi (or my own portable Wi-Fi module) to stay in contact with human affairs. God help me.

Blogging at Kevin's Walk 7 will be full-time as of tomorrow, but that doesn't mean much: I'll probably be putting up only one entry per day.

Meanwhile, this blog will crank out about three scheduled posts every day: a mixture of images, videos, and occasional prose, poetry, or whatever. Expect a few movie reviews, but not for "Mission Impossible." That'll have to wait until I'm back from the trek.

For those who are interested—I'll see you at the walk blog. For those who will take a break from all my online tomfoolery, I'll see you in mid-November.



*I've explained the rain-gear paradox, yes? I put on the rain gear to avoid getting wet from the rain, but the rain gear isn't that breathable, so I end up sweating from the effort of walking while covered up. In other words, I get wet either way.


Charles said...

Godspeed. I'll check in over on the walk blog.

Daniel said...

Can't wait to read about this year's adventures. Keep us posted!

John Mac said...

Let's get this done! You do the walking, and I'll follow along on the blog. Deal?