Tuesday, October 17, 2023

seen in an Instapundit comment

I saw this bit of retardation the other day in an Instapundit comment:

I don't believe Biden is being truthful. I believe he's bold face lying.

The expression, genius, is bald-faced liar or bald-faced lie, with a goddamn hyphen, and I don't think I've ever seen bald-faced used as an adverb, so that's two degrees of retardation. A probable rewrite would be:

I don't believe Biden is being truthful. I believe he's a bald-faced liar.

File this under the same sort of annoyance as pronouncing aforementioned as "AFFER-mentioned," overarching as "overarcing," etc.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

As I may have mentioned before, that bridge overarching the Han river is impressive. And if you are so bold as to think a shaved face looks better, who am I to call you a liar?