Tuesday, October 10, 2023

why sous vide works so well, explained in about a minute

Pretty succinct YouTube Short. Once you go sous vide, it's hard to go back. The lady does make one claim at the beginning, though, that I think many chefs would dispute: "...chefs get the perfect cook on steak every time." I think chefs like Andy from Andy Cooks would say that sous vide is more for n00bs like yours truly—people who are steak idiots and need help. Chefs in the kitchen are, I think, much more likely to use more traditional methods like sear-and-finish (in the oven) or reverse sear. Or, if they're like my buddy Mike, they'll just grill 'em.


John Mac said...

Well, I watched it, but it set off my laziness alarm. I'm a steak-on-the-grill kind of a guy and will continue to work on improving my searing skills there.

Kevin Kim said...

Sous vide is arguably better for lazy people because 95% of the process is just waiting.