Sunday, December 17, 2023


Here's hoping it all collapses soon.

The phrase "dictators under communist regimes" sounds strange to me.

Ronna needs to be booted.

It's "fast food," not "fastfood."

But let's focus on how evil the US is.

Gimme some o' dat ass.

I don't recall learning the quadratic formula in middle school.

I wouldn't call Greta Thunberg herself a Nazi, but there's no doubt she's being used.


The left eats its own.

Actual chronology: (1) In 2016, Trump is asked if he'll concede the election if he loses. He doesn't say yes, and the left loses its collective mind, screaming that the election is airtight, inviolable, immune to tampering, i.e., should Trump lose, there'd be nothing to complain about. (2) Trump wins the 2016 election, and the left, deaf to its own hypocrisy, does a 180, claiming Trump had help from Russia. Despite several Democrat-led investigations, no evidence of Russian collusion is ever found, but the left (e.g., Adam Schiff) continues to plump this bogus narrative. (3) Biden "wins" the 2020 election after hiding in his basement for most of the campaign year, then suddenly "receiving" 81 million votes after 3 a.m. on Election Day. This election is obviously rigged, and the Democrats are back to saying the election was inviolable, but Republicans are mocked for complaining. (4) Now, with all signs pointing toward a Biden loss in 2024 since even Democrats don't like him anymore, we're back to the idea that a GOP win will mean the election was rigged.

Anyone else getting female Gollum/Dobby vibes?

Show me irony without telling me it's ironic.

I've written about my own complicated views on abortion, but this does indeed feel like a contradiction.

Crack the window open.

Say it ain't so, Bernie.

They should do a modern remake of "Snow White" that takes out all the magic and replaces it with current tech.

I remember trying to explain the international date line to my dad. He didn't get it.

It knows. It waits.

It's like the people who throw a hissy fit when someone wishes them a merry Christmas.

I'm going to call bullshit/Photoshop on this. She's flatter in the left-hand photo. Unless she's a female Terminator. And is that a wedding ring on her left ring finger? So she's a PhotoSlut, too.

Cue mass explosion of BLM skulls. And feminist skulls because of the patriarchal language: "men," "brothers."

Not a Swiftie. I don't get the appeal. Maybe I'm too old.

Anyone with a specific opinion about anything is going to offend someone.

I appreciate the sentiment, but lose the damn comma. What comes after the comma is not a clause.

Leftie: Shooting an intruder means you value your property over the intruder's life!
Rightie: No, it means he valued my property over his own life. Those terms are acceptable.

Uploaded here mainly for the doggerel. And it's apparently causing much stress on the left for Jones to be back.


"Taxation is theft," the libertarians say.

In French, a cow is a vache, and a cat is a chat. So... a vachat? Or a chache?

Yes, it's racist. Because I'm sane, and I know things.

Well, Hanks can just fuck off to Greece since he's officially a Greek citizen.

I used to read Dinosaur Comics religiously. What happened?

Make stupid life-choices, no sympathy from me. I've made and paid for my own stupid life-choices.

Mona Huahua

Animal Lecter

It's always Rules for thee but not for me.

If only.

Somehow, the left keeps on not getting this.

If you want the circles to overlap, change the left one to "People who fart."

As they say: Conspiracy Theorists 20, Leftist Media 0.

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AND A NEW RULE (per this post): comments critical of Trump's lying must include criticism of Biden's or Kamala's or some prominent leftie's lying on a one-for-one basis! Failure to be balanced means your comment will not be published.