Wednesday, December 20, 2023

what the polls say (if you trust them)

A lot of righties trust Rasmussen for some reason, but Rasmussen strikes me as just a leeeeetle too optimistic, which makes it, to my mind, just a little bit unrealistic.

Here's some more about possible "demographic shift":

The problem with polls, as we now know, is the reality of election fraud, projected onto the GOP by the Dems, but actually practiced by the Dems. (If you think Biden's sudden victory after the 3 a.m. "boost" on Election Day was legitimate, you and I have nothing to talk about.) If you want to convince me there's no election fraud, then let's see whether the 2024 election actually follows the polls. I can hear some people readying the counterargument that the polls were wrong in 2016, too, with everyone saying Hillary would win in a landslide, but (1) Trump's electoral victory became more and more obvious as the tallies came in, not after a 3 a.m. boost, and (2) the media, which lean Democrat, had a stake in trumpeting a Hillary victory. Then the 2020 fraud happened, and at this point, I personally feel polls are mostly meaningless. So while I slap the above up as potentially interesting trivia, I'm not actually excited by the current numbers, nor am I particularly hopeful. What's obvious to me is that the Democrat machine has something new and just as vile as 2020 planned for 2024. Right now, they're ham-handedly trying to put Trump in the slammer through the efforts of Letitia James and Jack Smith (among others), but for a side that loves to move its goalposts, the Democrat left doubtless has its Plans B, C, D, and E. The question is whether the right has learned any lessons and is ready to respond with conviction at the faintest whiff of wrongness this time around. I somehow doubt it. The right is the passive prisoner who willingly steps up to the guillotine. As a tweet-happy president used to say: Sad!

ADDENDUM: what I wrote earlier about the previous elections:

Actual chronology: (1) In 2016, Trump is asked if he'll concede the election if he loses. He doesn't say yes, and the left loses its collective mind, screaming that the election is airtight, inviolable, immune to tampering, i.e., should Trump lose, there'd be nothing to complain about. (2) Trump wins the 2016 election, and the left, deaf to its own hypocrisy, does a 180, claiming Trump had help from Russia. Despite several Democrat-led investigations, no evidence of Russian collusion is ever found, but the left (e.g., Adam Schiff) continues to plump this bogus narrative. (3) Biden "wins" the 2020 election after hiding in his basement for most of the campaign year, then suddenly "receiving" 81 million votes* after 3 a.m. on Election Day. This election is obviously rigged, and the Democrats are back to saying the election was inviolable, but Republicans are mocked for complaining. (4) Now, with all signs pointing toward a Biden loss in 2024 since even Democrats don't like him anymore, we're back to the idea that a GOP win will mean the election was rigged.


*Yes, you could argue Biden didn't receive all 81 million votes only after 3 a.m. I should have worded that better. How about: "...receiving a large portion of his 81 million votes...."

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