Wednesday, December 13, 2023


can't wait for Brandon to exit the building... and this existence

I'm not currently in a Women = Evil mood, but I still thought this was funny.

I'm curious about the chicken whisperer.

A lot of people don't get this—including Tim Pool.

Do it. I command you.

This is apparently a thing: Palestinian fighters surrendering like bitches. And the POWs are being stripped like that.

Either you activated the Jesus safeguard, or you ripped open her shirt and found glory.

Thanks, but please learn how to spell "don't."

"Knock-knock." "Who's there?" "CDs." "CDs who?" "See deez NUTS!"

Some 26 times in the flight logs.

Good thing most cats don't piss themselves when scared.

The US does more for the environment even outside the context of the accords.

What's the arachnid version of formication?

It'd be nicer if that were 6.9 Korean won.

One of the all-time stupidest prequel plot points has to be that Darth Vader designed and created C-3PO.

Don't hold your breath. These two are never going down. But I'd love to see Hunter OD.

about the size of it

Anyone else see the comma splice?

Again with the comma problems...

"Because it's... Christmas, Khan."

"Everybody hates the Jews." —Tom Lehrer, "National Brotherhood Week"


Don't come back, George. For your own sanity.

At least she didn't go for asystole.

Chuck Norris in a rare photo with his almighty dad.

I wish.

This feels like old news, but it's good mental prep for when it happens again.


Democrat gaslighters: What? No! We would never!

Because Elon wasn't in charge then.

only fair after the Bush-eats-pussy meme

I guess we all get a turn going down the toilet.

sudden impact

You can sculpt a turd to look like a chocolate cake...

Luckily for me, I have no waistline.

pink like the inside of a bear's mouth

Well, that's a good-enough summary of Zeus' behavior, anyway.


John from Daejeon said...

Pool uses semantics to avoid being deplatformed. He doesn't want to be Alex Jonesed.

John Mac said...

Stealing the Magic Island one to make Facebook heads explode.