Monday, December 04, 2023

the postmortem is finally up!

It's been nearly a month, and I apologize, but the Kevin's Walk 7 postmortem is finally up. I've read through what I wrote in an attempt to proofread the monster (it's a long, hefty post, as you can imagine), but there are doubtless mistakes that slipped by me—mistakes I'll catch on subsequent rereads. This thing took days and days to write, then Thanksgiving interrupted. There are plenty of photos in the post, including gross ones of my toes, so you've been duly warned. (My toes have healed a lot over the past three weeks. Photos pending because you love them.) I hope you enjoy the postmortem as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's almost my final act for this year's walk: the last things I must do are (1) enlarge the blog's photos and (2) caption those photos. I'll try to get that done before the new year. Meanwhile, go have yourselves a read while I pour myself a drink.


  1. I'll paraphrase Camus very roughly here and say that the waiting itself is enough to satisfy a man's heart.



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