Saturday, October 05, 2024

consider Kamala's illegal-alien lawyer

As the article obliquely asks, how can you be an illegal-alien lawyer who has also somehow taken an oath to uphold the US Constitution?

Headline (9/27):

Kamala Harris and the Case of the Illegal Lawyer

Kamala Harris’ plan to visit the border has recalled her support for illegal alien Sergio Garcia to obtain a license to practice law, a move opposed by the Obama DOJ. Garcia is now the poster child for the policies Harris would apply as president. The media spin it as a feel-good story, but some facts need clarification.

Garcia’s parents brought him to the United States as a toddler but when he was nine, the family returned to Mexico. When Sergio was 17, his family brought him back to the U.S. a second time.

He dreamed of becoming an attorney, but not in his native Mexico. Garcia attended Butte College, Chico State and Cal Northern School of Law. He passed the bar exam in 2009 but opponents questioned whether he should be admitted to a profession whose members have a duty to support state and federal laws.

Attorney General Harris submitted an amicus brief and provided an attorney to argue Garcia’s case before the state’s Supreme Court. By most accounts, it was Harris’ support that tilted the case in Garcia’s favor. Harris then presented Garcia with the Medal of Valor, an award designated for California’s public servants, which Garcia was not. He returned the favors by casting a vote that, as CBS News put it, “helped put Harris into the White House,” but it may not have been his first vote.

When they get driver’s licenses, California automatically registers illegals to vote through the DMV’s motor-voter program. The state won’t say how many false-documented illegals actually voted in 2016, 2018, and 2020. In California illegals are a privileged, protected class, kept in line by politiqueros to vote for Democrats. California is their model for the nation. That’s why “border czar” Kamala Harris kept the illegals coming, even the criminals among them. Harris is looking for the imported electorate to put her over the line in November.

FWIW, see my comment here.

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