Wednesday, October 02, 2024

help from unlikely places

Did you miss this at the end of September?

Headline (9/22):

Democrat Mayor of Muslim-Governed Michigan City Endorses Trump

In a surprising twist that rattles the political establishment, Amer Ghalib, the mayor of Hamtramck — a city representing a Muslim-majority demographic — has publicly endorsed Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election. Ghalib boldly declared Trump as “the right choice for this critical time.”

This endorsement, made via a Facebook post on Sunday, is not just a casual nod; it reflects a significant shift in the narrative. Ghalib, while acknowledging that he and Trump don’t “agree on everything,” still regards the former president as “a man of principles.”

As the article notes further on, there's definitely a calculated element, here, as Trump fishes for Muslim votes to help push him over the top. I'd say Trump has tried to make clear he's not anti-Muslim or anti-Islam, per se; he's against extremism, non-assimilation, and terrorist actions. Ignore the recorded evidence at your peril.

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