Tuesday, October 15, 2024

my 2-do list's final status

A screen shot of the 2-do list on my phone:

You can ignore all that nonsense at the top about carnivore buns, bagels, beef, and burgers. That's all happening when I get back. I discovered those carnivore (well, "carnivore") buns on YouTube and made a batch; I've been wanting to make them again in bulk so I can eat my favorite burgers at will. With non-sugar sweetener, they are plausibly good as burger buns. As you know, I hate onions, so in terms of toppings (or Alton Brown's "bottomings"), it's lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. In terms of other things you put on a burger, my two favorite combos are (1) cheddar, bacon, BBQ sauce, and mayo; and (2) bacon, bleu, and mayo. I'll do other styles now and again; I've done Hawaiian (with the pineapple); Tex-Mex (with salsa, guac, etc.); vaguely Asian burgers like teriyaki, bulgogi, etc.; and I have nothing against a Burger King-like combo of American cheese, ketchup and mayo. Anyway, those checklist items have been up there for weeks with no movement, so they'll be there for me to tackle when I'm back. Once I'm on the train, I'll delete everything that's been checked off.

In terms of the other stuff, though, I'm disappointed not to have finished the care package, but I did get a major component of it finished last night. The care package will, alas, have to wait another three weeks before it goes out. I might or might not have a chance to proof our workbook's PDF one last time today, and as for writing those reviews... well, I have draft pages for both "The Boys" and "Deadpool & Wolverine" ready to be filled in.

I arrived at work today about an hour later than I'd hoped. Technically, I fulfilled my promise to come here "early" today to do that final proofread, but I had hoped to get here even earlier. I was dead tired last night, though, so I overslept and was sluggish getting out of bed. Once I start walking, though, I'll snap right into "my best self" mode, and waking up will be absurdly easy. It's the happiness of being on a long walk that buoys me: as I've said many times before, life is simpler when you're on the trail: your mission is just to go from A to B every day; there's little to nothing else on the agenda.

Last night, I called down to our building's repair crew to have them look at the leak in my bathroom's ceiling. As they usually do, they made an unholy mess in my bathroom; I had to waste the better part of an hour cleaning up after them. Their conclusion was that the leak I'd heard wasn't huge, and there was no danger of the water accumulating and reaching the LED light bulb, causing a fire. They told me to call them again once I was back from my trip. I'll see for myself whether there's been any more leakage. After they'd left, and I'd had myself a rare dinner (leftovers from the office), I turned my attention to that care package... and found I didn't have the energy to do much. I wrote up a crucial letter, and that was about it. 

I also did a final load of laundry. I'd wanted to take out one last load of garbage, but frankly, there wasn't much garbage in my cans, and I had nothing in terms of food waste, so I think I can leave my room alone for three weeks without any worries. This morning, I shut off my toilet valve, closed all my windows, turned off crucial power strips to minimize the chance of random fires, did a hasty preflight check, and boogied on out. I'm at the office now; will be here until about 5, then I'm taking the subway to Suseo Station for my trip down to Busan.

One bothersome fact is that eleven packs of Survival Tabs (vanilla, butterscotch, strawberry, and chocolate) are rather bulky. The Tabs are light in weight, but I look forward to eating my way through half of them and reducing the amount of room the Tabs are currently taking up. Oh, well... better for it to be bulk than for it to be weight.

In "The Bridge on the River Kwai," one character says, "There's always one more thing to do." I'm sure I'll discover I've missed something, despite my preflight checks, once I'm on the SRT and smacking my forehead.

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