Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October 15: Happy Birthday, Sean!

Hard to believe my brothers and my buddy since 3rd grade were here only a short time ago to help me through the early stages of my convalescence. October 15 is Sean's birthday; he's 10 years my junior, making him 45(!) this year. He looks grayer than I do

(L) Sean, my little brother, and (R) Michael, my boss

I think one thing that amazed me was how app-driven and app-adapted both of my brothers, David and Sean, are now. (David is seven years younger than me, by the way.) When they came to see me at the hospital, they both found places to stay in Seoul and figured out taxis and such with ease. 

I'm pretty behind even by Korean standards: I almost never use my phone's apps, nor am I normally inclined to download new payment methods that use QR codes and abstruse special arrangements. I'm a troglodyte, and this is only going to get worse. Even friends my age are ahead of the game, telling me all the time about new sites and new apps that can be useful for this or that purpose. I generally pay for things with cash or with my check card, and occasionally with a credit card. I use the credit card (which is American) for many online purchases; it's a constant revolving debt that I'm always paying down every month, but it's nothing compared to the monstrous scholastic debt I defeated in December of 2020. Adapt or die, they say, and as society evolves, and my health deteriorates, it looks like I've chosen the or die path. But not David and not Sean. They seem quite conversant with all the newfangled stuff. They're built for the ever-accelerating modern world.

Sean is also keeping very busy, as is his wont. He's a professional cellist, a private tutor, and a founder of several chamber groups. He uprooted himself a few years back to start again in the Chicago area; I hope he's safely away from all the "mostly peaceful" shenanigans, but he just rolls his eyes at my fuddy-duddy rightie thinking. Sean used to call himself a libertarian, but I've always suspected he's a flaming leftie. Not that I love him any less. We both at least recognize that brotherhood outweighs (dare I say trumps) politics.

Happy 45th, Sean!

1 comment:

  1. I'm like you, there are just some "enhancements" I won't engage. I've always been a techno-peasant, but nowadays, I just consider myself "old-fashioned." There's a thing here called G-Cash that almost everyone uses for transactions. I'm not even sure how it works (don't know, don't care), but I'm glad I don't have it. Invariably, the unfortunate Filipina who needs money to pay the light bill will beg me to send G-Cash. Sorry, I no have!

    Happy birthday to brother Sean!



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