Tuesday, October 15, 2024

second hitch

The SRT is billed as faster than the KTX, but it's apparently also prone to overbooking, and when regular seats are sparse, couples can end up separated. 

This older pair of people came aboard a couple stops into this trip. The old lady was directed by the gentleman to sit at the window seat next to me.... then he just hung around, standing there in the aisle and looking rather sad. He was obviously expecting me to give up my seat so he could sit with his wife or mother or whoever she was, and I tapped him on the forearm and gave him my seat. 

I had a ticket for Car 5, Seat 2B; he had a seat for somewhere in Car 2. We traded tickets, but I could see it was going to be awkward trying to get my bag and trekking pole down from the shelf-like storage rack from the way the old lady had awkwardly jammed herself into her seat with her luggage next to her instead of being stowed. I didn't want to be separated from my possessions, so I elected to stand in the "cattle" section between cars with all of the overbooked people. 

At several stops, the gentleman got up and showed me that a seat or two had emptied out, but each time he did that, I smiled and shook my head. I had paid for Car 5, 2B, and not some other damn seat. 

We've gone a few more stops, and the "cattle" section has emptied enough for me to sit on one of those folding chairs attached to the wall, which I guess is where I'll be for the next hour. Enjoyable ride, this SRT!

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