Friday, October 11, 2024

the Day 2 walk post is now up

I've finished formatting, captioning, and adding commentary to the Day 2 walk post, which is now up at my Kevin's Walk 8 walk blog. I'm sorry to the people who have written in to say they're having trouble commenting. I've gotten complaints from a variety of regular commenters over the years, so I suspect that Blogger, despite having been taken over by Google, still isn't as stable as all that. Ideally, commenting should be simple and straightforward. I have other commenters who seem to be having no trouble getting through, though, so I honestly don't know what to do. Maybe Google "unable to comment on another person's Blogger blog" and see what happens. Or hit up ChatGPT for some possible solutions. Well, whether you comment or not, I hope you enjoy Day 2. That post has some ranty bits about what counts as "camping" in South Korea, so prepare for that.

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