Thursday, October 10, 2024

the final bundle of Styx, Part 1

Commenter John from Daejeon alerted me to Styx's irrational and unpleasant behavior during a fairly recent livestream. I also discovered that Styx had left his wife Elisabeth (of the now-seemingly-defunct "Elisabeth's Philosophy" channel) and their little daughter so that he could return to an ex of his based in New Orleans, where he groped her—while apparently drunk or high—during a livestream. While I gave Paul Joseph Watson a chance despite Lauren Southern's claims of what a shitty person he can be in real life (I didn't want to commit the genetic fallacy: PJW's info is still good), Styx has a far greater video output, so this misbehavior (Styx has been charged by his ex with sexual harassment; whether he's really guilty, I have no idea and don't really care) turned out to be a good excuse for me finally to put the weirdo aside and let him bumble along, doing his weirdo thing. So what follows, as I put up these Styx videos, is essentially my multi-step dump of everything Styx-related in my queue over the next few days. Watch the vids or don't (I'm guessing most of you don't). Once they're done, they're done. I've already unsubscribed, so this is it: the final bundles of Styx.

Assassination attempt and victim-blaming by the NYT (surprise, surprise):

Latinos for Trump!

The PA vote:

Trump and da Teamstaz:

The "green" agenda and the poor:

Did Iranian hackers give info on Trump to the Biden campaign?

Do they want Trump dead or not?

AOC and Israel:

Miss Jackson if you're nasty:

A new gaffemaster's in town!

Styx can't imagine this scenario... but I can:

Styx on tipping:

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