Friday, October 11, 2024

time to wrap all this up

Despite this year's walk being as short as it is, I've got a ton of stuff to wrap up before I go. First, I need to purchase my train ticket to Busan: I'll be leaving on the evening of the 15th to stay overnight, then take an early cab to the Nakdong River Barrage Certification Center, which, while normally my endpoint on a normal Four Rivers walk, will be the starting point for this year's south-to-north, 403K walk (that's 385K for the standard bike trail plus extra for the off-trail diversions to reach motels). 

Second, I still need to finish slapping up all of my scheduled posts through November 5 (I'll be back in Seoul the same day I finish the walk, i.e., on November 4; I've decided not to stay overnight, especially with Andong being so much closer to Seoul than Busan is). 

There's a slew of other things to take care of, too. Third, I need to lock down my food situation: I don't want anything perishable to spoil in my fridge while I'm on the trail for three weeks. Fourth: at work, I have to finish making an answer key for the ten-chapter workbook I just helped to create; that'll take a few days, meaning I might have to come in over the weekend. Fifth: I've got a care package to send out to a friend I haven't seen in decades in celebration of her getting a doctorate; I'm at the final-prep stage with that but have been lazy about finishing the packing. Sixth: I have some final shopping to do for trip prep, and I need to be completely packed and ready to go to the train station on the 15th. 

There's more that I'm forgetting, but you get the idea: I have a lot to juggle between now and the 15th, so I'm very much looking forward to the therapy that comes from just walking from A to B. Oh, yeah: I want to make a batch of keto almond-flour cookies for my boss, my Korean coworker, and maybe for the rest of our office, too. When am I going to squeeze that in? I need to get a haircut, too: I'll be gone for three weeks, and I have no plans to shave or get a trim while I'm on the trail. I was also going to talk to my dentist yesterday about an appointment to get my crown, but his office door has a sign up saying he's on vacation and will be back this coming Monday. Frustrating, but he's old and needs his vacations. So if I want the crown now, I can possibly do it either Monday or Tuesday; otherwise, I'll have to come in after I'm back from my walk. I've also got to write my reviews for "The Boys," Season 4, and "Deadpool and Wolverine." Those might have to wait, though. Anyway, lots to do before D-Day.


  1. Damn, just READING your to-do list made me tired. Good luck with all that. At least the train ticket worked out to your advantage.

    About that crown--I don't know how it works these days, but every time I've had a crown installed, the dentist made an impression of the tooth stump with some clay-like substance and then crafted a crown to fit. There were always a few days between making the impression and creating the crown. Maybe they can do same-day service now, but I'd be surprised.



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