Tuesday, October 15, 2024

what happens now

It's technically Tuesday, so I'll be leaving for Busan much later today. I'm going to finish hanging some laundry, do a little more packing, then turn in early, wake up early, finish the packing, take out my garbage to minimize the presence of bugs, then head on out to work with my pack and trekking pole. Once at work, I'll do a third proofread of the STP 10 workbook we've been working on, after which I'll leave the office around 5:00 or 5:15 p.m. so as to arrive at Suseo Station, about four stops down from where I work, in plenty of time to figure out the QR-code issue and reach my SRT's platform with time to spare. I'll board, head down to Busan, write maybe one or two more blog posts once I'm in my motel, sleep a bit, then wake up around 3 a.m. to grab a cab and head out to the walk's starting point: the Nakdong River Estuary Barrage Certification Center.

After that, this blog will be on autopilot, but I will probably add fresh posts now and then when big current events happen. I actually went a little overboard: on most of the next twenty days, the Hairy Chasms will feature the usual five basic, daily posts, not three. Anything more that I add (embedded tweets, links to videos, random stories or poems) will be icing on the cake. Otherwise, I'll let the scheduled posts unroll as they may, and all the rest of my active posting will occur on Kevin's Walk 8, this year's walk blog. On that blog, every day of the walk, I'll be posting in the afternoon or evening. At first, you'll get only ten pics per day plus insights and commentary, but once I'm back in Seoul, I'll go back to each post and upload the full complement of photos, adding captions and more commentary as needed. That process will take weeks, maybe months, and might even bleed into next year. We'll see.

Medically, I'll be taking my over-the-counter supplements plus my prescribed meds except for insulin, which I never liked, anyway. I can't store the insulin properly (in refrigeration) during the walk, so there's no point in toting it along. I'm going to have eleven days during which I'll eat little more than my Survival tabs (maybe a can of spam, too, if I happen by a convenience store), so my calorie deficit on most days ought to be huge, making my weight loss during the walk fairly significant (I'm hoping for at least 12 kg). If history repeats itself, as it usually does, I doubt I'll be able to maintain the loss; I normally regain my weight over the ensuing months, but this time, I'm going to try to break the cycle of weight gain, especially now that I know carbs can potentially kill me. More on that later.

So that's about it. There will be plenty of posts appearing on this blog, but most of the original content for the next three weeks will be over at the walk blog, so make your adjustments accordingly unless you hate walks and prefer the shit I do here.

Time to get a-moving. More soon.



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AND A NEW RULE (per this post): comments critical of Trump's lying must include criticism of Biden's lying on a one-for-one basis! Failure to be balanced means your comment will not be published.