Saturday, April 11, 2015

much pork was pulled

Click to enlarge:

My friends Tom and Charles made the long trip out to Goyang City to see me and nosh on some pulled pork. Charles very kindly baked the buns we used for our sandwiches; Tom supplied the drinks, and I supplied the pulled pork, frankenbeans, cole slaw, and dessert (courtesy of Chez Costco).

I had prepped the pork on Friday, slow-cooking it all day long in a bath that, this time around, contained over 50% Coca Cola. The Coke helped the pork to denature even faster than last time, and the results were, once again, amazingly fork-tender. I had bought two 1.3-kilo slabs of sirloin this time—more than enough food for three hungry guys. I ended up giving Charles a bag of pulled-pork barbecue to take home to his lovely Missus. I hope she enjoys it.

The frankenbeans—beans, dogs, BBQ sauce, brown sugar, and chili peppers—went over well; the least successful element was, alas, the cole slaw, which I'd based on a Bobby Flay recipe. Charles remarked that his buns had come out flat, but all I really cared about was how they tasted and smelled, and they tasted and smelled terrific. Everyone should have the chance to taste and smell Charles's buns.

In fact, given the nature of the food, I have to confess that a lot of our risqué humor was in that locker-room vein today: "Taste my buns," "Pull my pork," and so on. It didn't help that we sat down to watch the comedic stylings of the politically incorrect Bill Burr (the vid we watched is here; Burr has several other concert videos and podcasts on YouTube).

Tom had to leave a bit early, alas, but we're already starting to think about the next get-together, which may be a more serious rooftop barbecue this summer, over at Tom's place. I regret that I didn't take more pictures of the event (Charles snapped a few shots with his rather hefty-looking digital camera), but I think we were all having too much fun just hanging out and eating pig to think too deeply about taking photos.

Until this summer, then!



  1. The leftover pulled pork will be going into some pulled pork quesadillas for dinner tonight. The missus is looking forward to it, and so am I!

    I did take some photos of my own, but I spent yesterday climbing Gwanak-san, so I have yet to even look at them. With luck I'll have my own post up this evening.

    (I have discovered that the hefty-looking digital camera is, to my relief, also rather sturdy. I had set it up on a small tripod for a photo, but the wind blew it over and sent it tumbled down a rock. Aside from a couple of nicks in the body, the camera--and more importantly the lens--are fine. Talk about your liver almost dropping.)

  2. Sadly, it is not possible for me to come and smell or taste Charles' buns. As tempting as you make them out to be.



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