Friday, November 05, 2021

carnivore budae-jjigae

Spam, burgers, and hot dogs. The stuff of life.

This jjigae has a nice, fatty broth. Because of the carb issue, though (gochujang is carby), I did what I could to strain the broth before adding the meat. And the meat, after an hour of simmering, helped to enrich the broth thanks to all the fat that rendered out of it (this is what gives budae-jjigae its unique taste—the presence of American meats in the broth). I'll be having this meal again tomorrow for lunch, before my long walk down to Bundang or to wherever I'm headed (I might try the 35K Hanam-Yangpyeong route again, now that the weather is so much cooler; no more excuses!).

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