Monday, November 15, 2021

yet more images

Love this:

Is that Putin?

Why's Mom at a speed-dating session?

How true is this? Reference needed!

Why a friend of mine says he's probably no longer Republican:

This is axiomatic:

Someone on Instapundit claimed it was Trump who called in those troops. I don't know the real story, but I do know it's the Biden administration that's been using the troops. They could have been dismissed early on, but they weren't.

Next pic...

She got to meet the governor, but how do you get suspended 38 times?


Some lefties apparently cried "disanalogy," but I'm not seeing it:


Really the same chick?

I'm sure the pro-vaxx/pro-mask/pro-lockdown crowd would beg to differ, saying that it's the defiant people who are the problem, but here, too, I'm not seeing it. Defiance hasn't caused the authorities to slow down the churning-out of stupid COVID policies, but knuckling under every time the authorities do something new is definitely prolonging the crisis. Stop giving authorities more power:

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy these. And yeah, if that is the grownup version of the incredulous little girl, she came out okay!



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