Friday, November 19, 2021

PJW on Gibraltar and Ireland

Perhaps there really is a negative correlation between masking, vaxxing, lockdowns, and the spread of COVID. Perhaps we're getting it all exactly backward.

ADDENDUM: FDA Says It Needs Until Year 2076 To Reveal Data Pertaining To Pfizer Vaccine Approval. And a comment to that Instapundit post says: "My decision to refuse vaccination is looking more and more wise." I'm kinda coming around to this way of thinking. still not anti-vaxx, but definitely not convinced the vaccine is of much help.

ADDENDUM 2: the COVID Blog. Worth exploring.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm growing more and more skeptical the more I learn. It's almost as if the powers that be don't want the COVID outbreak to die of natural causes.

    A woman I know here has been suffering repercussions from her vaccination for several days, including breaking out in a rash on her hands and arms. I asked her which vax she took and it was Sinovac. I chided her for taking anything made in China. Felt bad later when she sent the news that her aunt died after being vaxxed. Damn, if the COVID doesn't kill you, the government will.



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