Sunday, January 02, 2022

bug going around?

My boss just called to say he spent the Friday before New Year's puking his guts out. He says he's better, now, but his sons have caught whatever the bug is. I first assured him that the problem couldn't have come from the beef on Weck with which we'd ended the year on Thursday: I'd had two sandwiches at lunch, then I finished the leftovers for dinner, and I suffered no ill effects. The boss said he wasn't worried about food poisoning, but he wanted to know whether any of us employees might also have caught a bug. I told him that I'd had a fine day of walking yesterday and am suffering no ill effects. The boss said he'd check with my coworkers to see whether any of them might also have caught a bug. I suspect not.

It's bizarrely good to be reminded that other bugs than COVID exist and are traipsing about. I hate how COVID hogs the spotlight because people can't let go of their fear.

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